Monday, July 21, 2008

SEB070023-Tutorial 2

Define the following terms :
1) Application software
A computer program designed to carry out a specialized task for the user such as database management, word processing or electronic mail
Examples: Media player
Microsoft Office

2) Communication device
Wearable devices
Examples: Microphone

3) Computer
An electronic machine which is used for storing, organising and accept data, process data, and for controlling other machine
Examples: Laptop

4) Desktop computer
A view on a computer screen which is intended to represent the top of a desk and which contains icons that represent files, programs and other features of the computer

5) Embedded computer
Special purpose computer system designed to perform one or few dedicated functions usually embedded as part of a complete device including hardware and mechanical parts
Examples: Traffic light
Washing machine

6) Graphical User Interface
A user interface based on graphics instead of text. Uses a mouse as well as a keyboard as an input
Examples: Icons

7) Hardware
The physical and electronics parts of a computer rather than the instructions it follows
Examples: Mouse

8) Internet
An interconnected system of network that connects computers around the world via the TCP/IP protocol

9) Installing
To connect or set in position and prepare for use
Examples: Install software on the computer

10) Network
A collection of computer or devices connect together often wirelessly via communicating devices

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